Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey Everyone!! I have not been on for a while... I know, you missed me! Well I missed you too! I have so much to catch you up on. One - I have been running my butt off training for the Septemerber 13th Half Marathon, while in turn gaining a beyonce butt! However, I am so happy to announce that I will be running for Team Eisenberg Foundation to raise money for gastrointestinal cancer! Website soon to come! Also, I had a few friends up for a while... went to the Ra Ra Riot concer at Interlochen and spoke with my friend Becca who plays the violin in the band, celebrated my brother in law's graduation from residency with a fancy dinner at Arcadia Bluffs and had two of my good friends up from DC and we made a music video on the dock! All videos pending! And here is one that my sister Kristy made about Georgie... it's called a Schnoodle Story! Check it out!


  1. OMG!!!!!! I LOVE GEORGIE!!!!!!!!! I want her to look at me, take a moment, and decide to lay down to beckon for a belly rub!!!!!!!
