Monday, August 17, 2009

Welcome Little Lily Burek!!

Katelyn and Doug Burek welcomed their first child - Lilianna Kate Burek - into the world on August 12th at 8:13pm weighing 7lbs 2oz.  I had the pleasure of meeting the little bundle of joy the next day!  I started bawling when I walked into the room and first saw her.  Something about this little life that had not even been in the world for 24 hours overwhelmed me, and the fact that I would be able to watch Lily grow from the first day she was born amazed, excited and over took me.  After seeing a newborn I have a great appreciation for all children...  And I will always love Lily and Caroline!!  I look forward to blogging more about my experiences with them!
 (Notice how large my hand is in the picture.... is it the angle of the picture... the little little baby...both... or do I really have monster hands??)

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